Xlog container attach ~/.xlog
as a volume and will write pages to it.
Installationmodified | Monday 9 January 2023 |
Github has a release for each xlog version tag. it has binaries built for (Windows, Linux, MacOS) for several architectures. you can download the latest version from this page: https://github.com/emad-elsaid…
1go install github.com/emad-elsaid/xlog/cmd/xlog@latest
1git clone git@github.com:emad-elsaid/xlog.git
2cd xlog
3go run ./cmd/xlog # to run it
4go install ./cmd/xlog # to install it to Go bin.
for example:1yay -S xlog-git
1git clone git@github.com:emad-elsaid/xlog.git
2cd xlog
3docker-composer build
4docker-composer run
Releases are packaged as docker images and pushed to GitHub
1docker pull ghcr.io/emad-elsaid/xlog:latest
2docker run -p 3000:3000 -v ~/.xlog:/files ghcr.io/emad-elsaid/xlog:latest