
🔧 Features Test
Edited: Friday 14 February 2025


Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information. Computer science spans theoretical disciplines (such as algorithms, theory of computation, information theory, and automation) to practical disciplines (including the design and implementation of hardware and software). Computer science is generally considered an area of academic research and is distinct from computer programming.


  • Generates RSS feed
  • Generates ActivityPub Outbox stream
  • Generates Sitemap for search engines
  • Disqus comments
  • Encrypt files with GPG

Custom theme

To override any xlog template :

  • Create a theme directory inside your knowledge base directory
  • Create a file with the same name of the template you need to override with the new template
  • Running xlog will load all template files then read theme to override any previously defined theme

For example, xlog has templates defined inside templates/ one of them is pages.html which display a list of pages. to override it you can:

  • Create file theme/pages.html with the new Go template content.

Banner Image

  • If the page starts with an image it’ll be used as a banner

Front matter

  • If the page starts with a frontmatter YAML object it’ll be added to the page properties
  • title attribute will replace the page title (that is the filename by default)

Styling text

Style code example
Bold ** Bold
Bold __ Bold
Italic * Italic
Italic _ italic
Strikethrough ~~ Strikethrough
Subscript <sub> X2
Superscript <sup> X2
Linking [text](url) Emad Elsaid
Shorting Long URLs:…
Auto linking text if it’s a page name index, 1/3 Features Test
Detect date DD-MM-YYYY 1 January 2023
Detect hashtag # Testing
Foot note [^1] 1
Typography replacement ' " -- ... << >> ‘hello’, “hello”, –, …, «, »
Inline MathJax with $ ax2+bx+c=0
Inline MathJax with $$ ax2+bx+c=0


  • Dates are recognized in your markdown without extra syntax. for example 1-January-2023 shows as a link 1 January 2023
  • Dates become links to a page that lists all pages with this date. For example the date in the previous line links to a page that has a list of all pages mentioning 1st of Jan 2023.
  • The navigation bar has a link to “Calendar” which shows all months that include pages with dates.

So you can create a page every day like a diary or agenda, write the date in it and it’ll show up in the calendar.
Also you can use a date as due date for a todo, and you can check the calendar for upcoming due dates.


Quote using >

Computer science is the study of computation, automation, and information.

Code using “```”

fmt.Println("hello world")

Code using “```” and language name “```go”

1fmt.Println("Hello World")

MathJax Block with $$


Image using ![alt](url):


Auto-convert image URL to an image

Preview URL if in a line I became a software developer/ Pyramids of Giza, Cairo, Egypt In my teen years I mostly liked two things, Drawing and Computers. I used to get high grades in mostly everything, even the subjects I didn t like like English and math

Custom blocks

  • xlog extensions/blocks/templates has a set of blocks
  • file names represent the block name, and the file content is a Go template that will be executed with the block content parsed as YAML

For example extensions/blocks/templates/book.html represents a blocks book

title: The food of the gods
author: H. G. Wells
image: /docs/public/d32ac848ea161f9b384ed2ed81d657e3f150bcd3aa355a75741b95c76b873898.avif

Parses the content as YAML and is passed to the book.html file rendering the block to :

The food of the gods
The food of the gods
H. G. Wells


Emad Elsaid

Emad Elsaid

Developer, Youtuber and casual gamer

Emad Elsaid

Emad Elsaid

Developer, Youtuber and casual gamer

Emad Elsaid

Emad Elsaid

Developer, Youtuber and casual gamer

Emad Elsaid

Emad Elsaid

Developer, Youtuber and casual gamer

Emad Elsaid

Emad Elsaid

Developer, Youtuber and casual gamer

Emad Elsaid

Emad Elsaid

Developer, Youtuber and casual gamer

The previous list each one of them is a block that looks like the following:

name: Emad Elsaid
byline: Developer, Youtuber and casual gamer

Or a Github user. which requires just the name

name: emad-elsaid

or one-liner. as only one line is needed

/github-user name: emad-elsaid

Unordered Lists

  • With -
  • With +
  • With *

Ordered Lists

  1. With 1.
  2. With 1. again

Task Lists

  • a todo item with - [ ]
  • a done item with - [x]
  • Mentioning a page shows the number of todos: 1/3 Features Test

Images in one paragraph rendered in columns



In a single line with /SHORTCODE:

This is an alert

This is an info

This is a success

This is a warning

Mermaid Graphs:

A Gantt Diagram2014-01-052014-01-122014-01-192014-01-262014-02-022014-02-092014-02-16A task           Task in sec      another task      Another task     SectionAnotherA Gantt Diagram

Embed another page, header-particles in this case

Page: header-particles doesn't exist


Heading1 Heading2
Value 1.1 Value 1.2
Value 2.1 Value 2.2
Value 3.1 Value 3.2

Horizontal Rule

Using ---

Links preview

Tweet link

X link

Youtube link

Facebook link

Giphy link

  1. More details about a sentence or a reference citation using [^1]:  ↩︎
